Comprehensive health care for the individual and family that treats the whole person through all stages of life.
The healthcare providers at Aultman Alliance Family Medicine of AOH are certified in family medicine to help patients and families make the right healthcare decisions in a continuing and comprehensive manner. You and your family get ongoing medical care, health maintenance and preventive services.
The office of Aultman Alliance Family Medicine of AOH is endorsed by the American Medical Association, American Board of Internal Medicine and American Academy of Family Physicians.
We offer same-day appointments. And, Aultman Alliance Family Medicine of AOH will authorize testing, ordered by your provider, with your insurance. If a condition arises that requires care from a specialist, your provider will be there to guide you and coordinate all aspects of your care. If you are looking for a new provider, and are interested in Aultman Alliance Family Medicine of AOH, please call us at 330-596-6560.